Alameda County Measures, CA November 7, 2000 General Election

Coming soon - more information.

County Voter Measures

NO: On Measure C - Developers Phony "Open Space" Plan
Yes: On Measure D - Sierra Club Open Space Initiative

Measure D had 63,000 voter signatures to place it on the ballot. Measure C had two supervisors in the pocket of developers to get this measure on the ballot to confuse the voters. Supervisor Mary King and Supervisor Keith Carson should hang their heads in shame and they should never receive another environmental vote. Supervisor Gail Steele, who is both a good environmental and animal protection vote, voted against putting D on the ballot.

Basically, measure C lets the County Supervisors continue to decide on urban growth and the majority have a very bad track record.

Measure D, which only effects the unincorporated areas of the county, establishes urban growth boundries outside Pleasanton, Dublin and Livermore, which will help maintain large lot zoning that can only be changed by a vote of the people. It is the most democratic of the two measures and makes it difficult for politicians to sneak through developer-sponsored changes without voter approval.

